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Kōwhai House Deans' Report

Pania Watson and Jane Schroeder —

Warm greetings from the Kōwhai whānau.

Kia ora e te whānau o Kōwhai.

It has been a year of ups and downs. Especially in these last few weeks, we have really had to push hard and work together to make it across the line. But it has made our successes all the more valued. This term we had our seniors leave on study leave and although we are sad to see them go, we are really proud of the mahi they have put in to strive for personal excellence. I would like to make special mention of our three Year 11 learners who have already received Excellence endorsements before they even sit exams:

Blair Williams, Mae Ibo and Harry Scott.

We would also like to take this opportunity to share and celebrate our senior prizegiving award recipients.

Year 11:

Kevin Contreras Dos Santos - Third Place in English Language Learning. Jeremiah Pula - Second Place in English Language Learning. Nadia Dewes-McLeod (Ngāpuhi) - Second Place in Performing Arts. Tehoia Kohi-Wikiriwhi (Ngāti Pikiao) - First Equal in Accelerated Literacy/Mentoring. Deijara Harris - First Place in Accelerated Learning Numeracy. Jadore Bonner (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu) - First Place in Hospitality. Harry Scott - Second Equal in History, First Place in Business Enterprise. Mae Ibo - Third Equal in Science Biochemistry, Third Place in English, Second Place in Mathematics and Statistics Enrichment, First Equal in Health Education. Blair Williams - Second Equal in History, Second Place in Business Enterprise, First Place in Science BioChemistry, First Place in Computer Science.

Year 12:

Joshua O’Connor - Third Place in Workshop Technology. Felix Gurrobat - Second Place in Outdoor Education. Bella Koellner - Second Place in Visual Arts: Painting. Justace Joseph-Davis (Ngāpuhi) - First Place in Māori Performing Arts. Fane Ngauamo - Second Place in Physical Education, First Place in Business Enterprise, First Place in History.

Year 13:

Ranalia Savelio - Third Place in English Literature. Roy Ah-Loe - First Place in Sports and Recreation. R J Pejo - First Place in Performing Arts Music. Laura Mockford - First Place in History. Jasharay Hume (Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Tainui) - Second Place in Māori Performing Arts, First Equal in Te Reo Māori. Chelsea Smith - First Place in Design and Visual Communication, First Place in Visual Arts: Painting. Emily McMahon - First Place in Health Education, First Place in Physical Education. Jasmine Keating (Ngā Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu) - First Equal in Te Reo Māori, First Place in Māori Performing Arts and recipient of the Koko Alamein Connell Taonga for Maori Performing Arts.

Special Award Winners:

Contribution to Pasifika Culture: Fane Ngauamo

Tony Fomison Award for Significant Contribution to the Visual Arts: Chelsea Smith

Terese Elms Memorial Cup: Emily McMahon

Prime Minister's Oranga Tamariki Award

There are 15 winners across the country for these awards, selected from 100s of nominations. The prize is $3,000 to go towards tertiary costs. Normally winners are flown to Wellington to be awarded the prize by the Prime Minister but because of Covid that isn't happening. This was awarded to Emily McMahon.

Pacific Peoples' Entrance Scholarship. $13,000 over two years.

Has been awarded to Ranalia Savelio

Māori Entrance Scholarship. $13,000 over two years

Has been awarded to Jasmine Keating

150th Entrance Scholarship. $13,000 over two years

Has been awarded to Paul Reyes

We are also proud of our learners who represented Kōwhai in the Sports Awards and Pasifika Awards. Congratulations to all of our prizewinners for 2021! 

After being the reigning house champions for 2 years, unfortunately, we lost the trophy this year in a very, very close points race. Our last house event - the Kahoot Quiz, was won by Kākāriki which meant they took out the whole house competition. Congratulations to Kākāriki! Very well deserved.

We are looking forward to a summer filled with lots of activities, getting outdoors in the sunshine, spending time with friends and whānau and relaxing after what has been a very busy year.

Wishing all of the Kōwhai and Linwood community a happy holiday and a Merry Christmas.

Pania Watson, Junior Kōwhai Dean


Jane Schroeder, Senior Kōwhai Dean
