Hero photograph

Mahira House Senior Dean's Report

Erin Chamberlain —

Welcome back to Term 3 and welcome to all our new whānau in Mahira House.

Kia ora koutou.

Students in Mahira House have made a positive start to the term, showing determination and enthusiasm for achieving well and making good choices. A huge congratulations to those of our students who were in the Major Production - Grease. Helping with rehearsals, I saw the progress that was made and the smiles and good times that were had. Well done on a major accomplishment!

This term, the focus falls on NCEA achievement and ensuring we are setting ourselves up for success. Students can expect to have completed a number of internal NCEA assessments per class by now and they should have credits showing on their KAMAR login. The focus now is looking forward to externals for those ākonga who have externals. These are a key step in the NCEA journey and I encourage all students to stay on top of the mahi now in order to be prepared for the November exams.

Last week we celebrated students in Assembly who are upholding and showing our school Uara of Turangawaewae.

Congratulations to the following students for their award:

  1. Lilith Ross Y11

  2. Hannah Fraser Y11

  3. Pou Manawatu Y11

  4. Sam McCallum Y12

Each of you has unique talents and abilities, and it is through hard work and perseverance that you can unlock your full potential, whether this is an endorsement in NCEA, sporting success or cultural success. As your Dean, I am here to provide guidance and support and I encourage you to make use of the resources available at our school. Your teachers, kaiārahi and support staff are all dedicated to helping you succeed, so do not hesitate to seek assistance when needed.

Kaiārahi emails below if you need to contact your child’s Kaiārahi:

KarMBL - Melanie Blomfield - mbl@linwoodcollege.school.nz

KarCAL - Taryn Caley - cal@linwoodcollege.school.nz

KarVIJ - Sai Vijayakumar - vij@linwoodcollege.school.nz

KarNIJ - Francine Nijdan - nij@linwoodcollege.school.nz

KarSIL - Olivia Silvester - sil@linwoodcollege.school.nz

Please reach out at any time, I am here to support you wherever possible.

Ngā mihi nui kia koutou,

Erin Chamberlain

Mahira Senior Dean
