Richard Edmundson — Aug 25, 2020

Linwood College Aldwins Rd, our future Te Aratai College, is "above the ground and now over the fence." Looking ahead with hope and expectation.

Kia ora koutou. Talofa. Kia Orana. Malo e lelei. Bula. Fakaalofa atu. Namaste and Kumusta. Greetings to everyone at LCŌ and our wider LCŌ community. 

Alert Level 2

A reminder that for us here in Christchurch under Alert Level 2:

We remain thankful that we in Ōtautahi-Christchurch remain "only" at Alert Level 2. At the same time we think of our many, many LCŌ whānau who themselves have family elsewhere in more difficult circumstances, Auckland-based, Melbourne-based and, reflecting the wonderful diversity of our community, from all around the world. 

Pride Week

Further to the diversity of our community, the rainbow flag pictured is flying from our school flagpole in support in Pride Week which began on Monday. To give the full name, it is National Schools' PRIDE Week. Originally this was to be in June but there was a Covid-postponement. A wonderful group of students asked me if LCŌ would support this week and be part of the national opportunity for schools to celebrate and support their rainbow communities and my reply was instantly yes. Our own LCŌ rainbow community. Inclusion. 

Aldwins Rd: visible rebuild progress

It is very heartening to see the visible signs of progress with our rebuild for our return to Aldwins Rd to what will be Te Aratai College. Those of us who have peered through the gate over the past weeks have seen the foundation work progress to be above ground, and now we see structures over the fence. It is worth remembering too just how good this rebuild is. As we have said in the past, the next time that you are in Tūranga, the central library, look up and look around. The same architect, Carsten Auers of Architectus, who designed Tūranga, is the architect for our school. Stunning. Likewise, Southbase Construction is a highly experienced and expert construction company with major success in many school redevelopment, whether totally new or rebuilds. 

We thank Ngāi Tūāhuriri, Ngāti Wheke, the Ministry of Education, Architectus and Southbase for the official sod-turning event held recently on site. I will write more about this in our following newsletter.

Our LCŌ curriculum

The photos in this newsletter show our school's active and dynamic participation in co-curricular activities. Last week was also the House Spelling Bee competition with plenty of words that would have tested me. On Monday and Tuesday our Level 2 Outdoor Education class was braving the cold southerlies on their Packhorse Hut expedition. On Tuesday the Level 3 Tourism class left for their 4 day Queenstown trip. Later in the week, we had students at the Pūhoro Science Academy. We are glad that a modern secondary school knows the importance of all the range of these sorts of activities so students find and excel in their own pathway. Te Aratai College. Te Aratai: pathway to the sea.

I have one further point before I finish. I debated whether I would mention the court sentencing of the mosque gunman that occurred this week, but I decided yes as it is part of our community's history and is happening in the centre of our city. Deliberately, however, I am not giving it a heading in bold like the other separate topics above, but I do wish to acknowledge with deep respect the varying effects that the sentencing will have had on individuals within our community. I know what effect seeing police getting ready for the week had on me as my wife and I drove down Lichfield St last Sunday afternoon on our way to see a film. Therefore, how much more must it be for those of us who experienced deeper connections and tragedy? Again, the concept of inclusion resonates. Togetherness. Unity. Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi: With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Finally, schools can be complicated places, especially in these times. If any member of our school whānau wishes to talk to us about anything, please contact your child's dean either directly or through the office. 

To talk with me, my usual line at this point is, "My door is open." That is still true but with the point that under Level 2 all parents and caregivers must make an appointment to come on-site except in an emergency. Alternatively, my direct email is and my direct dial is 982 0100 ext 839. 

Go well.

Ngā mihi nui – best wishes

Richard Edmundson
