Nicole Rose — Aug 21, 2019

An update of all things related to students in the Waiporoporo whānau.

Kia ora koutou!

Waiporoporo are moving up in the ranks! Last week we competed in the House Netball Tournament. We came second which I am very proud of. Thank you to the students and staff from Waiporoporo who got out there and played. There were players that didn't even know the rules of the game! 

The Wā Whakanui event in Week Three was a success with many of the year 7-10 students presenting their best work to their whānau. If you missed out, please contact your student's Ako teacher (Kaiārahi) if you wish to schedule this in. 

The senior students are working hard to ensure they have the credits the need. The year 10, 11 and 12s are working on Career Central, a web platform where our students explore and record their strengths, interests, career pathways and then from this week choosing their subjects for next year. This is to ensure that the pathway they are choosing is right for them and they are doing what they can while at Linwood College to best support this pathway.

Any questions, worries, concerns please feel free to email me on

Ngā mihi,

Nicole Huxtable