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Mana House Senior Dean's Report

Nick Colville —

Warm greetings from the Mana rōpū.

It's been a busy term ensuring our seniors have gained all the credits they can before exams or helping them get across at the last stretch. It is always inspiring to see students take ownership of their learning, making study plans and completing last-minute internal assessments. It has also been great to celebrate students at our Senior Assembly in Te Puna who have reached that milestone of NCEA achievement. 

In Week 4 we celebrated all the impressive milestones in our 3 big senior celebrations: our Sports Awards, Hui Whakapūmau (our Year 13 graduation evening) and Senior Prize Giving. It was fantastic to see so many of our ākonga up on the stage receiving awards and acknowledgement for all the mahi they have put into their studies and extracurricular activities this year. The Sports Awards was a fantastic event and I have to give special mention to Rico Latham-Waikato who received Spirit of Kī-o-Rahi, Christian Apiti who received the Ross McAuley Touch Trophy, Conway Andrews who received the Tom Davies Cup for Football, Stella Durham who received the Julie Maxwell Award and Stan Johnston who received the All-around Sportsman award. 

Mana House was also incredibly well-represented in our Senior Prizegiving. There are too many to mention but I have to give special mention to some of our Special Award winners: Justin Wilson was awarded the PTA Service Cup for Outstanding Service to the College, Thomas Rhodes received the IP Anderson Award for LeadershipRico Latham-Waikato received the 25th Anniversary Commemorative Prize for a male studentStella Derham won the 25th Anniversary Commemorative Prize for a female student and Imogen Donnelly who received the top academic prize of Dux. 

It was really exciting to see the number of students receiving University scholarships next year also, there were so many they barely fit on the stage. Again, a great reward for all the hard work these students have put in with the support of our Careers Department and their teachers. Mark Lemon, Connor Armstrong, Imogen Donnelly and Mae Ibo were our Mana House students who received scholarships for next year, well-done team! 

With the seniors now focusing on their NCEA exams, the school is a bit quieter. As I write this the Level 1 Science exam is about to enter and we can see the eagerness and anticipation as they line up at the Te Puna entrance. We're almost there, a chance to pause and appreciate all the hard work we've put in this year. This will be my final report as Senior Dean for Mana House as I have reached the end of my tenure as a dean. Next year will see a restructure of the pastoral team, with all deans aligned to particular year levels. Mr Guglietta, the current Pono House Senior Dean, will be the new Year 12 and 13 Senior Dean. Your tamariki will be in sure, ardent hands in his care as their Senior Dean.

Here's wishing you all a relaxing, warm and fun-filled break with whānau and friends over the summer. 

Noho ora mai.

Nick Colville,

Mana House Senior Dean
