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Waiporoporo Senior Dean's Report

Lukas Davidson —

Kia ora.

It has been great welcoming our ākonga back after the break. After a cold wet start to the term it has been great to see the sun out and the smiling faces with it. From a learning perspective, most of our seniors have come back with a renewed focus and drive toward obtaining their NCEA levels.

Throughout the term, Ms Budd and I will be providing our senior Waiporoporo students with academic guidance and mentoring support. Already we have had several conversations with students about how many NCEA credits they have and how many they need to reach their target.

Students have been able to identify short-term goals and take ownership of their learning which is great to see. Where students are behind we have provided support, regularly engaging with their teachers to develop strategies and learning plans to support them on their journey.

Term Three is particularly important as subject teachers begin teaching and preparing students for exams. My message to students on this is clear: high attendance so that they can absorb the necessary exam content, is key to success. We also encourage ākonga to reach out and ask for help when they need it.

As we progress with term three, let's hope that the sun continues to shine so our ākonga can enjoy the sports and outdoor cultural events ahead of us.

Mr Davidson

Waiporoporo Senior Dean
