Hero photograph

LCŌ House Champions 2021

Deb Young —

Who won this year?

After an exciting year with a variety of events the House Trophy winners has been decided.

We started the year with a fun Fear Factor and finished Term 1 with our energetic Tabloids.

Term 2 saw us competing once again in netball, in which the Staff Team beat the winning house team for the second year in a row. The spelling bee finished off the Term 2 events (I am wondering why there isn’t a staff team in this event, maybe next year).

Term 3 saw us having to change events due to the Level 2 restrictions. However, we did introduce a new and fun event, The House Kahoot.

All the events saw different houses winning and coming second and this year was the closest ever with all four houses able to win at the final event. A massive well done to all those who participated or supported.

Our 2021 House winners for Linwood College at Ōtākaro is:


Zach Derham accepts the Gramham Dingle Foundation Trophy.  

Well done team, it was hard-fought and well deserved.