Amy Martin-Bowen — Nov 9, 2021

In the upcoming weeks, we have junior assessment and option selection for our Tāhuhu and Y9 and Y10 ākonga.

Year 8 & 9 Option Selection for 2022 

Year 8s will select options for next year in Week 5.

Year 9s will select options for next year in Weeks 6-7.

Please contact your child's Kaiārahi or Dean if you wish to discuss this.

Year 9 and 10 Assessment 

Year 9 and 10 students will be completing class assessments in Week 6 and 7 of this term. These assessments will be reported on in Term 4 reports which will be sent home in Week 9.

Week 6: 

Y9 English, Y9/10 Maths, Y9/10 Social Studies

Week 7:

Y9 Health, Y9 PE, Y9 Science, Y9/10 Social Studies, Y10 English, Y10 Health, Y10 PE, Y10 Science