Charlotte Cottrell — Mar 15, 2021

Since the start of the term, a small group of Year 7 and 8 students have been working in the Richmond Community Gardens every Friday afternoon.

Fridays, period 5, Tahuhu students opt-in for an activity as a part of "Cool Connections". The options include Arts and Crafts, Digital Exploration, Sport, a Chillout space with board games and drawing and Gardening.

Brevyn Hall,Torryn Sinclair-Wright, Nova Lang and Ayden Jayet

The students love going to the community gardens and race to check on the chickens that live there. We have learned the names of a few nasty weeds including convolvulus, which wraps around other plants and tries to strangle them. We weed, water, plant and dig over parts of the gardens. All our weeds are given to the chickens to eat.

Niko Buckingham