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Mahira House Senior Dean's Report

Guy Cowan —

Tēnā koutou katoa from Mahira House.

This term we have been focusing on finishing our year with rangatiratanga manaakitanga, responsibility and respect. Our Mahira ākonga have all been working furiously towards their own personal goals and it has been great to see so many get over the line.

It has been so great to be able to step in as a dean for Term 4. I have really enjoyed being able to journey with our students and see them achieve their goals.

In thinking about my time as Mahira Senior Dean, the whakatauki “Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu” has been bouncing around my mind. I have only been dean for a short time but I have truly treasured it. Of course, we acknowledge Erin Chamberlain, who finished up her time as Senior Dean at the end of Term 3. It was great to see Miss Chamberlain at Hui Whakapumau and hear that she has settled in well at her new job at Rolleston College and wish her all the best. Thank you for the years of support.

We have been in a season of celebration, with Sports Awards, Hui Whakapūmau and Senior Prizegiving being noteworthy. How fantastic is it to see Dormay Laufiso being selected as a head student for 2024, as well as Sportsperson of the Year. Dormay has always embodied our school uara and will do an amazing job as a head student. Congratulations to everyone who won awards at these events, and ngā mihi to our Year 13s who we acknowledged at Hui Whakapūmau.

As we wrap up 2023, I am looking forward to seeing how everyone does with their external exams and making plans for 2024. For next year's Year 11 learners, you are in safe and familiar hands with Sig Koop who is one of the current Year 10 Deans. For the Year 12s and 13s of 2024, Marco Guglietta will be your new dean. He is currently the senior dean for Pono House and will do an amazing job as he takes on a very big job.

Ngā mihi nui,

Guy Cowan

Mahira House Senior Dean
