Nick Colville — Mar 1, 2020

Integrated Studies with our Year 9 and 10 ākonga is well and truly underway. Students attend classes with other members of their House in a blended curriculum.

These courses bring together different Learning Areas of the school in a way that enables students to develop a deeper and meaningful understanding of what can be complex ideas and skills. It also models the way we experience the real world - in an interdisciplinary fashion. Whiria te tāngata. This year the Year 9 cohort will explore the subjects of NZ Pre-colonisation, Forensic Investigation, Medieval Warfare and French Cooking. The Year 10 students will explore Genetics, Energy and Sustainability, Digital Publishing, and Health and Statistics. 

The Integrated Year 10 Genetics class has been learning about DNA coding and Ethics in a unit that is linking how people engage with science—using text and discussion.

Students have been looking at Stan Walker's journey with stomach cancer to investigate how traits are inherited. In further learning, the school borrowed the Gel Electrophoresis kit from the University of Canterbury and students ran a gel to separate DNA fragments and analyse the results. They then discussed how this technology can be used in society.