Lukas Davidson & Sig Koop — Jul 12, 2021

Kia ora, Talofa lava and warm greetings from Waiporoporo house.

As we draw to the end of another term it is good to reflect on all the positive things that have been going on around the school. Our ākonga have been busy completing tests and NCEA assessments and as we reach the halfway point of the year it is a good time for them to reflect on their successes also. As a teacher, there is nothing more pleasing than hearing a student present and talk so proudly about the mahi they have produced.

Term 3 will be a busy one for NCEA students so it's a good time to take stock of how many credits they have and what they need to do to reach their goals. Our ākonga’s teachers will be working closely with them to help them do the best they can.

It’s a time of year also where our careers counselling team are working hard to help senior students with their future pathways. For some this means exploring University courses, for others it is enrolling in a trades or services course. Mr Russell and his team do an exceptional job supporting these ākonga and we are grateful for their mahi.

For Waiporoporo house as a whole we have had recent success in the house games with us once again taking out the spelling competition. There are still some games to come but we are hopeful this year could be the one that we lift the trophy.

We wish all our ākonga and whānau a restful and safe holiday and look forward to term 3.

Ngā mihi nui,

Lukas Davidson - Waiporoporo Senior House Dean

Sig Koop - Waiporoporo Junior House Dean