Hero photograph
Milford scholarship winner Ashlin Chandra while visiting Mr Edmundson for an article about her UC scholarship.

Mauri Ora Through Ako

Richard Edmundson —

Kia ora koutou. Talofa. Kia Orana. Malo e lelei. Bula. Fakaalofa atu. Namaste and Kumusta. Greetings to everyone at Te Aratai College and our wider Te Aratai community.

The positive busyness of the winter term continues and we have blossom on the trees at Aldwins House across the road and I see the massed daffodils in Hagley Park as I drive the school van taking various teams to their Wednesday sport. Blossom and daffs mean it is time for me to remind everyone what I say every year in August. Spring is around the corner to look forward to and this also means the end of year is just around the next corner after that. For senior students and for their teachers this means the existing conversations about achievement and students being the best that they can be may have extra urgency. Our school believes in positive power of the interweaving and mutual reinforcing of well-being and achievement. Both are vital. Mauri Ora through Ako. This will be further explored at our Wā Whakanui and Academic Conferencing. The dates for these are Wednesday 30th - Thursday 31st of August. There is further information on this in our Newsletter. 

Our kōrero and planning with the Ministry of Education continue about our extra classrooms for 2024 to match our continually rising roll. We are trying very hard to ensure the planners are thinking not just year to year but in longer, more logical timeframes. Secondary schools are busy places as the following articles illustrate and we are delighted to be in partnership with our community to present the very best of opportunities to our learners. Sometimes that busyness can feel very complicated. That is why we have many staff available to assist if whānau have a particular question. Contacting me can also be arranged through the office or my direct email is en@linwoodcollege.school.nz

My door is open. Mauri ora ki a koutou,

Richard Edmundson Tumuaki-Principal