Tracey Jongens — Aug 25, 2020

Learning Acceleration Puna Manaaki.

We have four groups of ākonga from Year 7 through to Year 10 working in our TAP (Taku Ara Pono) programme. The Year 9 and 10 TAP ākonga spend four periods a week in TAP, the Year 7 and 8 ākonga spend two periods a week doing the programme. The TAP programme is a supported learning programme in which the ākonga work within a module, but have choice over their learning focus. They have to complete eight tasks to complete each module. The ākonga are working towards a national qualification.

Catlin and Tehoia during the Zoom Meeting

At the end of Term 2 a group of our Year 10 TAP ākonga were involved in a Zoom hui with students from 18 schools throughout NZ. The purpose of the hui was to share their work with others in order to meet the requirements of the verification process which is a requirement of the national qualification. Meeting by Zoom was ‘a first’ for the programme. Our students were totally energised by the opportunity to share their work with others from around NZ and they also learnt some great ideas about things we could be doing at LCŌ.

Tehoia receiving his certificate from Mr Edmundson

Catlin Ross said, “It’s good to know what other schools have been up to,” and Paige Martin said, “There were lots of students with different personalities who were confident and I enjoyed meeting them on Zoom.”

As a result of this hui we now have a group of ākonga who have received their first certificate on completion of a module. CONGRATULATIONS to Tehoia Kohi - Wikiriwhi, Paige Martin, DJ Harris, Noah Vincent and Tyler Williams- Shorter and Catlin Ross. Our next hui for verification will be in November and we are expecting quite a few more certificates!