Hero photograph

He Puna Pūtaiao

Melanie Blomfield —

A programme for Year 10 Māori students from a selection of Christchurch schools.

He Puna Pūtaiao engages students in the culture of science by involving them in scientific research. Using the context of water quality in Te Waihora (Lake Ellesmere) the students are mentored in literature reviews, and collecting and analysing data in the field, before presenting their findings both in e-book format and as a research poster displayed at a Pō Whakanui at the end of the programme. 

Students attend sessions 1 day per week in term 4. Students involved are: Izzy Carruth, Mana Te Maari, Pou Manawatu, Dacota Davidson, Tiarai Tihore and Ebony Burchett.