Ethan Smith — Aug 22, 2019

Kia Ora, and warm greetings from Kākāriki house.

The Kākāriki community had a busy and successful end to Term Two and start to Term Three, with a number of exciting opportunities taking place for those in our house. Firstly, we had a number of Kākāriki students involved in the major school production, “Little Shop of Horrors”, including; Kane Tahu, Connor Armstrong, Stella Derham, Cristo Senituli, Sophie Watson, Caitlin Templeton, Letiola Senitulil, Jeremy Kiel, just to name a few. The show was very well done, with a big thanks going to Kākāriki’s own Ben Russell (Teacher in charge of Music), for the large part he played in bringing the show to life. Secondly, we had a number of students involved in the numerous school sports that take place during the winter months. Students were involved in Football, Basketball, Badminton, Netball, Jump Jam and many more. If not already involved in school sports or extra-curricular activities then I would strongly recommend that your child looks into the number of opportunities to get involved at Linwood College. Summer sports will be starting up towards the end of Term Three. Thirdly, we had our third house assembly for the year, with a number of students celebrated for attendance, and displaying our school values consistently and proudly. The recipient of the Dean’s Value Award for this assembly was Caitlin Templeton, a student who is consistently striving for excellence, while at the same time demonstrating respect and curiosity. Lastly, we had the House netball competition in week four, which Kākāriki managed to place third in. This keeps us in second place as we draw nearer to the close of the year.

One highlight for me this term was the junior Wā Whakanui. This was an opportunity for our young people to share their amazing work with their whānau and Ako Teacher. As a dean, it was really special to sit in some of these meetings and hear students talk proudly about their work, and see the progress they have made so far this year. I am looking forward to being part of the senior academic hui later this term and sharing moments like these with our equally as amazing senior students. This senior academic hui will also be a chance to help our senior students finalise their subject choices for 2020.

Ultimately, we are edging closer and closer to the end of the year for senior students and as a result their senior exams. I can not stress enough the importance of the remaining weeks this year, and the significance they can have on a student's success in NCEA. If you have any queries, concerns about the progress of your child, NCEA progress or senior exams, then please do not hesitate to email me and we can arrange a time to talk. You can contact me on the email below.

Kind Regards,

Ethan Smith

Kākāriki House Dean