Tāhuhu at Te Aratai College

Carla TaiaroaJune 9, 2022

We are all settling in well here at Te Aratai College.

We are so excited to be in our new space and ākonga and staff are settling in well. As well as our Literacy and Numeracy program we are learning all about identifying our place here at Te Aratai and the wider community. This will be followed up with a Cultural Narrative Trip to Tuawera and Ōpāwaho Awa to further connect with our Cultural Narrative and history of the wider community.

Now that we have space, we have been able to start our Tāhuhu assemblies every second fortnight and we have our Ako Mai program back up and running. Along with this, we have 2 basketball teams playing down at Cowles on a Tuesday after school as well as a hockey team, netball team, football team and rugby team playing in CAIMS Weekly Winter Sports Competition.

This term we are focusing on being self-managed learners and developing the culture of our learning environment. 

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