by Jacqueline Yoder

Linwood College Roadshows

Jacqueline YoderJune 30, 2019

During Term Two, highly successful Roadshows were held at our Tamai and Aupaki Kāhui Ako primary schools.

The Roadshows were comprised of activities designed and led by our Linwood College school leaders across all year levels. Learners from the primary schools, who were in their final years at those schools, had the opportunity to take part in a range of the fun, engaging learning activities that are available at Linwood College, such as sport, drama, music, Māori and French. 

It was wonderful to see excellent connections made between Linwood College and primary learners at all of the schools we visited.   

After the activities session, the learners at the various primary schools experienced a presentation by senior Linwood College staff, prefects and the Principal. Part of this presentation was an introduction to the rebuild design plans for the new Linwood College. 

The Linwood College 2020 Prospectus and Enrolment Packs are currently available at all Tamai and Aupaki Primary Schools and the Linwood College Main Office. 

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