Snow Days - School Closures
It is getting to that time of year where snow closures could happen. Here is a brief reminder of the procedures.
If it is snowing heavily before school and we deem that it is unsafe to open the school, we will make a decision to close the school and/or open late. This will be communicated, where possible, by a group text, an update on the school website, an update on the school answer phone, and by radio on More FM and the Breeze. This takes some time and everything isn’t updated at once. Please be patient. Generally if other local schools are closing, or it is unsafe for people to be on the road and the school site is icy, we will close.
It gets more complicated if it starts snowing during a school day. If this happens we will text and/or phone that school is closing and ask you to pick up your child/ren as soon as possible.
Please note that in a case of extreme emergency, such as an earthquake/extremely bad weather, it is likely that we will be without power and unable to use our normal communication that relies on power. If this is the case please stay at home, or if school is open, come and collect your children.
Thank you for your cooperation.