The Six Competencies of NPDL
In 2022 we continue our Deep Learning journey as we embed NPDL across Te Kāpehu Riccarton School.
NPDL is a global programme designed to enable our learners to be creative and future focused. It uses six competencies:
Character: learning how to learn using GRIT, perseverance and resilience
Citizenship: Thinking beyond ourselves and understanding diverse and eventually global views
Creativity: Asking the right inquiry questions and turning ideas into actions through leadership
Collaboration: Working interdependently and in teams
Communication: Communicating effectively in a variety of ways
Critical Thinking: Evaluating information and seeing patterns.
In Term 1, the whole school is focusing on Citizenship as we look into the Aotearoa NZ Histories curriculum and understand the history of NZ up to and beyond the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.