Te Kura Summer School is now Open
Registrations for Te Kura’s Summer School have opened for ākonga who need up to 12 NCEA credits to progress further study, training or employment.
Students apply themselves on the Te Kura website and can contact the Summer
School team for assistance. Phone 0800 65 99 88 opt 5 or
Email: summerschool@tekura.school.nz – for any Summer School queries e.g. opening and closing dates, results.
Check out their website:
A list of summer school subjects:
Summer School registration is for:
- Dual ākonga intending to complete an NCEA level at the school they are currently attending.
- Young adult ākonga (aged 16-19 years) intending to move on to further study, training, or employment.
- Adult ākonga (turning 20 years or over) intending to move on to further study, training, or employment.
Summer School ākonga (students) must be:
- A New Zealand citizen, permanent resident, or verified domestic student
- Residing in New Zealand
- Registering to complete an NCEA Certificate or Endorsement requiring up to:
- 12 credits (if registering before 15 January 2024)
- 6 credits (if registering from 15 January 2024)
If you are unsure of your eligibility to register, or have questions about the number of credits you need, please phone the Summer School intake team on 0800 65 99 88 option 1, or email summerschool@tekura.school.nz.