Hero photograph
Rainbows End Trip
Photo by TKHS

Rainbow End - Year 10 Trip 🌈

Marama —

On Wednesday morning our Year 10 students headed off to Rainbow's End for a fun day of learning.

Mrs. Shearer was super impressed to turn up at 6.55am to find at least half of the crew at school already! We knew we were off to a good start.

Highlights of the day were the roller coaster, racing karts and being together as a group with lots of other schools. We had several brave thrill seekers go on the Extreme Stratosphere that didn't feel nearly so good after they had done it.

The Year 10s need to be congratulated on the way that they represented our school so well. The teachers were very proud of how they conducted themselves and for how they treated those around them. 

What an awesome day! ðŸŒŸ