by Thomas Tumai
TKHS Newsletter — September 4, 2020
An inclusive community focussing on personal and academic growth
He hapori whakauru e arotahi ana ki te tipu o te tangata ake me o raatau akoako
This is the new vision for Te Kuiti High School. It is the kaupapa that will guide our waka into the future where we strive to be a school where every difference is recognised and catered for, where the same chance, the same opportunity and access to the same resources is available so that every student while with us can reach their full potential academically and personally.
Term 3 2020 has 3 weeks left. NCEA external exams begin on the 16th November. Therefore our senior students have only seven weeks of learning before effectively ending their school year and for year 13 students their secondary school career. At this time of the year all our senior students should be aware of whether they are on track to pass NCEA and Year 11 students should know if they have attained their numeracy and literacy credits. This knowledge will shape their priority for the rest of the year.
A recent analysis of senior student achievement up to the 26th August show the following:
At Level 1, 43% of students are on track to pass NCEA, 36% are on track for level 2 and 37% at level 3. These figures are at a much lower level than normal and can be attributed to the effect of the Covid- 19 pandemic. Over the final weeks of this term and the weeks leading up to the NCEA external exams, there will be opportunities for our senior students to gain extra credits and to help prepare for external exams. All students are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities.
Friday 25 September - Term 3 ends
Monday 12 October - Term 4 begins
Thursday 12 November - Senior Prize Giving
Friday 13 November- last day for senior students
Monday 16 November- Start of NCEA External exams
Thursday 10 December Junior Prize Giving and last day of 2020 for Juniors
Friday 11 December: Last day for staff.
No reira, tena ano koutou katoa
Papa Thomas