Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Tēnā Koutou Kātoa - Year Eight Camps continue to be a great success as are the Year Seven surfing trips.

Sharon Keen —

Our Year 8 students are continuing to enjoy their camps at Wainui and the Year 7 surfing trips have been a great success. We sincerely thank you for supporting these events. On Tuesday all of the Year 7 classes will take part in a trek through the Port Hills. You are very welcome to join them on this day out.

As camps and trips draw to a close the full school timetable will begin.  This includes music lessons and a wide range of dance groups.  We do encourage all students to be involved.

Kapa Haka started last week with over 80 students and our extension Te Reo has over 50.  Fantastic interest from both year groups. Students are still welcome to join these activities.

Many of you will have met Mr Mark Russell our Learning Support Coordinator.  Mark is available to answer any questions you have around your child's learning or well-being.  Please do not hesitate to contact him, we find early intervention always works best.

We appreciated the turn out to our Meet the Teacher evenings and again if you have questions please call or email your child's teacher.  A close home / school relationship is essential, even though our young people are developing greater independence.

Please read the articles in the body of this newsletter and note important dates and events.  You can also access our daily notices on our website.  This allows you to help your child with their personal organisation.

Thank you all for the very positive start to the year.  We look forward to working together.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen
