Canteen news
We have some delicious specials available each day including Sushi on Wednesdays. Sushi orders can be placed any time up until 8.30am the Wednesday of delivery. The Casebrook canteen is open at morning tea and lunchtime, Monday-Friday. Lunch orders are placed at the canteen window either before school or at morning tea time.
New in the canteen in Term Two: Baked Potatoes, Beef or Vege Lasagne and Hawaiian chicken burgers along with ever popular Sushi and Potato wedges still on the menu.
We also have hot chocolates for those cold winter days only $1.50 each.
Butter chicken wraps $2.00 each and yummy cheese rolls still only $1.50.
If you have any questions regarding the canteen menu please contact our canteen manager.
Rebecca MacLennan