Sharon Keen — Nov 23, 2016

Work samples from Visual Art, Fabrics and Hard Materials were on display in the school hall last week.  During the evenings there were science experiments, food sampling and a range of performances for our many enrichment groups.   It showed what can be achieved and I congratulate the students for the quality of their work thank the staff for putting in the extra effort.  Well done.

Last Tuesday we sent a team to compete in the Inter-Intermediate Athletics in Ashburton.  The staff that accompanied them were very impressed with the way they competed, the sportsmanship they showed and their general behaviour.  The results can be found later in this newsletter.  Thank you and well done to all involved.

This afternoon we have the Totaranui Cluster Celebration here at Casebrook.  Please come along and support our students but do bring a very warm jacket.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding next year please contact us.  We can assist with transition to High School or moving into Casebrook. 


Sharon Keen
