Lachie M, Ben C, Spencer D & Isaac A — Jun 1, 2021

There's more to music than just taking on the centre stage with your instrument! Music Enrichment takes a look at all the behind the scenes stuff that makes the magic happen.

Music Enrichment is an optional extra learning opportunity to develop knowledge of the sounds, lights and running events such as assemblies and productions. We have a great crew for 2021 and we are really grateful that we have Tom Linklater from Papanui Youth Development Trust, who comes in on Tuesdays to support us and teach us the ropes.

We always start with team-building exercises to get to know each other better and understand that teamwork is needed to run an event. Then, we work on mastering our coiling skills. This makes setting up cables easier and faster if we do this right.

We have been focusing on understanding how everything works in order for sounds to come out of the speakers. It is really important to have good problem-solving skills if things don’t work so it doesn’t impact an event.

Next term, Music Enrichment will be focusing on electronic music. If you’re interested in taking part in this, keep an eye on the notices for sign-ups.