Cyber-Safety Parents Workshop
John Parsons is one of New Zealand's leading cyber-safety consultants in schools. He is holding a cyber-safety evening for parents of Intermediate School students on Thursday, 26th May at 7pm
Entry is free
Venue: Chisnallwood Intermediate School, 7pm - 8.30pm
This is a must for parents of 11-13yr old students.
You can read more about John here.
Topics covered include:
- Identifies the specific challenges children face when using ICT
- Workshop informs parents and gives them the tools to support their children in how to use ICT safely and ethically at home and at school
- Includes guidance on behaviour management processes for parents in the practical situations they will face
This workshop empowers parents to take responsibility for safeguarding their children.
We hope you can make it.
John will also be holding a training day with Casebrook staff and students on Friday 27th May.