Tēnā Koutou Katoa - Open Days A Great Success
Our open morning and afternoons were well attended and we have received very positive feedback from many. Having the school open during the day allowed for people to see the normal programmes in action and as well as providing our student leaders with the opportunity to act as tour guides and share their actual Casebrook experiences.
This term we have water polo and basketball teams competing in competitions on Friday nights. The students and coaches appreciate the parental support that makes these out of school events possible.
The first of three Ski Days begin this week. This event is always very weather dependent and our staff make a decision each morning as to whether the trip will go ahead, based on the information provided to them by Mount Hutt. We can only hope the weather is kind to us on these days.
The back block of classrooms is very near completion. We hope to have classes in them before the end of this term. We will let you know when they are open and will invite the community in to have a look around. They are very pleasant spaces to teach and learn in.
Every year we have a term four school trip that alternates between Dunedin and Mount Cook. This years destination is Dunedin. Information will be available later next week. Last year, due to demand, we ran two trips so please do not be concerned about missing out. We will do our best to cater for all who are interested.
Thank you for your on going support and please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Nāku iti noa
Sharon Keen