Hero photograph
Photo by Jacinta Clark

Year 7 Students

Jacinta Clark —

We wanted to found out how some siblings of students in Room 13 are finding Casebrook so far!

Megan's brother, Dylan:

Dylan from Room 8 had some very interesting things to say about Casebrook. He is Year 7 and has already found great things about Casebrook.

Dylan likes how Casebrook has lots of sports to choose from and how we use devices. He went to Redwood Primary. Dylan trialed for touch rugby for a summer sport. He is in Northfield house. He is interested in chess, touch, basketball and he even might play an instrument. As for the uniform, he thinks the socks are itchy but everything else is fine. Dylan chose to go to Casebrook because of all the opportunities and because his sister goes to Casebrook. Dylan likes Miss Gardner and he enjoys talking to his friends at lunchtime and interval. Lastly, he has made more friends at Casebrook. Isaac and Ryan are the two main ones!

By Ryan G, Will B and Alex M

Ryder's sister, Rubee:

Rubee’s favourite subject so far is Maths because it is much different from primary school. She has made a few new friends, one of them being Olivia, also in Room 4. When walking into Casebrook, Rubee described it as exciting and nerve racking. She said having Ashleigh there really helped her.

Rubee hasn't signed up for any groups but she is wanting to sign up for dance. She described Casebrook as much larger than her primary school. Rubee told us that she felt comfortable at Casebrook after being here for a few weeks.

Rubee has enjoyed the Tech and Spec at Casebrook and she is in Art and Hard Materials. She has bought Juices from the Canteen. Rubee said she liked the teachers because they were nice. She also said Mr Case is a good teacher.

By Eva and Daniella (Room 13)

Jake's brother, Rory:

Rory came from Leithfield Primary, just like his brother, Jake. He decided to come to Casebrook Intermediate because of the great opportunities, such as sports and all of the extension groups. Rory also wanted to come because of the delicious food from the canteen. Basketball and rugby league are two of the sports that Rory would like to play. At Casebrook so far, he has most enjoyed going out for P.E. Rory is in Northfield house. His favourite colour is red because of the Houston Rockets, Rory’s favourite team.

Rory will be a great addition to Casebrook Intermediate because he is a great student. Rory will hopefully have a great year as a Casebrook student.

By Adam I and Hunter (Room 13)