Jeff Case — Sep 20, 2022

Last week was Maori Language Week and we have asked Anthony from Room 6 some questions to see what he knows and thinks about it.

“I think that Maori Language Week is a good week because it helps you learn about Maori and the culture.”

On a scale of 1 - 10, Anthony thinks he is a five because he’s not great at Maori but can speak partly. He would like to learn more Maori in the future because he thinks that it’s a good skill to have when you're older.

Some things that I struggled with during Maori Language Week were making the video for Casebrook News because I didn’t understand some of the words. At Te Kura Mareko we do a good job with our Te Reo teaching and learning.

Aside from just this week, this year Anthony has enjoyed learning about the history of the Maori people, like when Pakeha came to Aotearoa and when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed. My favourite Maori words are 'Kakariki' and 'Porangi' because I like the way they sound and the meaning but also because I like the colour green.