Mia Ormsby — Nov 22, 2016

Last Thursday, students from Room 8, looked after five elders and one volunteer worker in our library.

For a while now, I have been trying to organise age concerns minibus to bring at our school, after numerous dates and times we decided for 17th of November.

It all started off at the start of the year, where there was an article in the newspaper about elders in our community that were lonely and had no family left to have visit.  I then contacted age concern and found out about the mini bus activity they offer, in which a volunteer driver takes up to 10 elders to somewhere in the community and I wanted to get our school involved.

In the end  Julienne, Madison, Eva, Ella and I all from Room 8 talked to the five elders for 30 minutes, the lady I paired with 93 and her name was Muriel and she used to be a pharmacist assistant.  After that we took them around creativity + and they were all amazed about the things we created at Casebrook.

In the end it was a huge success and I hope a future student of Casebrook could continue on in years to come.

Mia Ormsby