Nick Leith — Aug 5, 2015

Our Casebrook Open Night, held last Wednesday evening is an important night on the Casebrook calendar every year.

Our open evening, held last week is an important opportunity for everyone in our community. A chance to showcase the exciting learning and opportunities available to our Casebrook students and the positive, strong working relationships that develop between our students, staff and parents.

A huge thank you needs to go to the students who represented Casebrook so positively on the night. The feedback about the students on show reflected their love of our school and the opportunities they have experienced. Our thanks also to the teachers, contributors who work with us from our community, our Board of Trustees and our PTA for being so welcoming to our visitors on a cold evening.

We have groups of students visiting their old Primary schools over the next fortnight, sharing from a student perspective what Intermediate schooling is like. These are a great opportunity to develop closer ties with our contributing schools and a chance for our students to work with future Casebrook REPs. A group went to Cotswold Primary school yesterday and enjoyed working with their Year 6 classes.

Our Hagley sports teams finished Tuesday competition this week. We had a number of teams in playoff games in their respective divisions. Our student performances have been more than matched by the way our students have represented themselves, their teams and their school during competition. Thank you to them, and also our coaches who put in many hours outside of the classroom to organise practices.

Our specialist team are working closely with two groups of students constructing impressive Cantamath exhibits for this year's Cantamath competition. Alongside our problem solving teams, the exhibitions are an important addition to our mathematics programme. We look forward to seeing the finished creations reflecting the creativity of our specialist teachers and their student teams.

Finally, the hosting of our Korean student visitors at Casebrook is going very well. This is an amazing life experience for our Casebrook students and their host families, learning about new cultures and sharing what it's like to live in Christchurch. No doubt friendships will be formed that last well beyond our Korean visitors three week stay.

Thanks for all your continued support during the term.

Nick Leith

Deputy Principal