Home stay families urgently required.
I trust the following information will answer many of your questions.
- If you are interested you complete the attached form and return to the school office.
- If there are more interested families than students we will hold a ballot.
- Families are paid $230.00 per week per student.
- All families that are accepted into the programme have to be prepared to be police vetted. The school organizes and pays for this.
A meeting will be held before the students arrive to discuss all questions you have and you will be issued with a booklet of ideas.
In Brief:
- The students require three meals a day
- They need their own bed but may share a room
- Their washing needs to be done for them
- They need transport to and from school. If your child walks or buses it is OK for them to do the same. They will need to be dropped off at the school on Saturday mornings as they have activities and then collected late Saturday afternoon. (One activity will be on a Sunday)
- A detailed timetable will be provided
- You will have the cell phone number of a staff member that can be contacted at any time.
This Group:
- Korean boys and girls approximately the same age as our students
- They arrive on Sunday 26 July. They need to be collected from Casebrook at 5.00pm. They leave on Sunday 16 August (departure time to be confirmed but I do think it will be an early morning departure!) They are here for only three weeks.
- I do not know how well these students will speak English but most will have a reasonable understanding.
- It is expected that they will become a part of your family for the time they are with you - have the same bedtime as your child etc.
If you wish to become involved please return your form to the school office asap (form attached). If you have further questions please ask. Thank you very much for your interest.