Ritesiya Tufugafale and Kaysheana Wrathall — Aug 10, 2022

Casebrook Intermediate students have been enjoying their visits to the Redwood Library over the year. Ritesiya and Kaysheana caught up with some of the Room 5 students to find out about their recent trip.

The Year 8's went on a trip to the Redwood Library. Here is what some students from Room 5 had to say.

Q. What did you do?

A. We got to try and create a stop motion film.

Q. What was your favourite part of the trip?

A. Ellie: How to search using the catalogue. Jessica: Creating a stop motion film.

Q. Did you have fun?

A. Yes, we had a great time.

Q. Would you go there after school or on your weekend?

A. Yes, we would all love to go there outside of school.

Q. Why did you go?

A. To learn all about stop motion film and how we can use the library to help us learn.