Paul Cook — May 5, 2020

What's been happening in the Technology and Specialist areas during the Levels 3 and 4 lockdown time.

It has been a big ask in these less structured times (apart from - ‘stay in your bubble’), for everyone to stay motivated and productive over the past few weeks.

So a big well done goes out to those children that have pursued projects and interests within the Technology, Science and Art curriculum areas. With limited resources and a challenging time management situation these projects, recipes, experiments, investigations and art works have been made with genuine enthusiasm by our students.

Thanks from the Casebrook Intermediate SpecTecular staff to those parents and caregivers who have supported their children in finding resources, improvising, and to achieve during these restricted weeks. Combined with striving to understand what at times must appear as a maze of folders, files and the ‘technical difficulties’ that make up the newly assembled on-line version of Casebrook Intermediate School, it’s been a ‘steep learning curve’ for us all.

Paul Cook.