Hero photograph
Photo by Dan Leys

Tōtaranui Cultural Festival 2019

Taniora Leys —

All schools in our kāhui ako are set to celebrate on the 28th of November.

Nau mai, haere mai !

On the 28th of November all of the schools within our kāhui ako, Tōtaranui will come together with their cultural groups and perform. The festival will take place on our front field between 3.30pm and 6pm.

Bring a picnic blanket and chair, sit back and enjoy the celebrations.

This is a free event, there will be limited complimentary sausage sizzle and boil up.

Our kāhui ako is made up of 7 schools, Bishopdale School, Casebrook Intermediate, Cotswold Primary, Northcote School, Papanui Primary, Papanui High School and Redwood Primary.