Hero photograph
Photo by Mackenzie Goble

Transitioning from Holidays Back to School

Phoebe Aitchison & Sophia Bayliss —

The holidays have ended and school has started! We did a statistical investigation with the students in Room 2 and this is the results.

70.83% wanted more holidays, 4.17 % were excited for school, and 25% were tired of school.

Want more holidays


 Excited for school


Tired of school


Wish school lasted longer


In Term 4 Summer Hagley Sport is starting, there are only 9 weeks of learning, it is the final term before the summer break, and every student will go up one year at the end of the term.

As it is Term 4, it is your final chance to get involved for the year. Make sure you make the most of it and show perseverance.