Hero photograph
Photo by Samantha Kirk

Casebrook Challenge Corner

Samantha Kirk —

Here's a snapshot of some awesome challenges for Term 2

Thinking: List all of the chores you don’t like to do. Think of ways you can make them easier or more enjoyable.

Mikayla from Room 20 noticed a challenge in this booklet that she suggested last term! She sent me a thank you email for including it and a snapshot of her work. 

Design your own Challenge: Make your own boat on Minecraft

Awesome design from Harry in Room 14! He has linked his Casebrook Challenge to his love of Minecraft and our inquiry topic. 

Relating to Others: June 6th is Queen’s birthday! Did you know that if you write a letter to the Queen, you will get a letter in return from her staff? Write a letter to the Queen wishing her a happy birthday.

Renee from Room 14 has written a letter to the Queen. She is looking forward to getting a response from one of her ladies in waiting! 

Send awesome challenges to skirk@casebrook.school.nz if you would like them to be included in the newsletter.