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Te Kura Mareko Casebrook Intermediate School

Te Kura Mareko - Casebrook Intermediate News - 8 September 2022

Dates for your Diary! (Please note subject to change!)

Tuesday 13 September

Thursday 15 September

Friday 16 September

Monday 19 September

Tuesday - Thursday 20 - 22 September

Thursday 22 September

Friday 23 September

Monday 26 September

Tuesday 27 September

Wednesday 28 September

Thursday 29 September

Friday 30 September


Tēnā Koutou Katoa - "On Our Way" performances, an opportunity for many students.

by Sharon Keen

Last week we hosted the "On Our Way" performance evening. This is an opportunity for students who have been learning a musical instrument or are a member of a group to perform in front of a live audience, often for the first time. It is a valuable experience as it gives the learning a purpose and the students enjoy sharing their new skills. Thank you to all who came and supported the event.

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by Samantha Kirk

Come along and join us for an exciting showcase of this term's Casebrook SUPER Challenge.

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2023 Weet-Bix Tryathlon

by Tom Straker

If any current Casebrook Year 7 students are interested in signing up for next years Weet-Bix Tryathlon. Please join our school group using the link below.

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Lost Property

by Catherina Hengst

The lost property room has moved!! It can now be found in the TPW/Digi space. Remind your child to look there if they are missing anything.

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Canteen news

by Casebrook Unican

Salad's, Wraps, Rolls, Pizza, Garlic bread, Sausage rolls, Muffins, Cookies, Juicy's so much to choose from, check out the menu to see the wide variety on offer.

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Read Aloud Trip

by Kristen Sherwin

Casebrook students participated in the Read Aloud event at St. Margarets College.

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End of Academic Term 2- Inquiry

by Kristen Sherwin

The end of Academic Term 2 saw the hall transformed into a Museum.

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YMCA Basketball end of season.

by Kristen Sherwin

Friday night YMCA Basketball is a wrap for 2022.

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Coding Competition.

by Kristen Sherwin

Casebrook students competed in a coding competition via Zoom.

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40 Hour Famine.

by Kristen Sherwin

Casebrook Students were awarded the Compassion Award!

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Random Acts of Kindness week!

by Kristen Sherwin

Casebrook Students participated in doing kind things around the school.

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Y7 and Y8 Speech competition.

by Kristen Sherwin

Casebrook Intermediate students presented their speeches in the hall.

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On Our Way Performance.

by Kristen Sherwin

Casebrook Intermediate students participated in a celebration of the arts.

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Community News

by Christine Gillard

Please see attachments.

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Calling all student photographers, digital storytellers & creatives nationwide - entries open for Stills 2022!

by Ilka Zant

Stills is a student photography competition, produced by RQP and supported by our mates at Canon. Last year we had hundreds of fantastic entries from all around Aotearoa, and we cannot wait to see what you have for us this year.

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