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Casebrook Intermediate School Te Kura Mareko

Te Kura Mareko - Casebrook Intermediate News - 27 October 2022

Dates for your Diary! (Please note subject to change!)

Friday 28 October

Monday 31 October

Tuesday 1 November

Wednesday 2 November

Thursday 3 November

Friday 4 November

Monday 7 November

Tuesday 8 November

Wednesday 9 November

Thursday 10 November

Monday 14 November

Tuesday 15 November

Wednesday 16 November

Saturday 19 November

Monday 21 November

Tuesday 22 November

Thursday 24 November

Saturday 26 November

Monday 28 November

Tuesday 29 November

Tuesday 6 December 

Wednesday 7 December

Thursday 8 December

Friday 9 December

Tuesday 13 December 

Wednesday 14 December

Thursday 15 December

Friday  16 December


Tēnā Koutou Katoa - Term Four is off to a Great Start.

by Sharon Keen

Yesterday we held our annual school athletics day. The weather was kind to us and the students were able to complete the rotations of competitive and fun activities. Thank you to the parents and whanaū who were able to join us. It is so nice to have the community back in our school.

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Rotary Speech Finals

by Jacinta Russell

Tyson Trenberth participated in the Bishopdale-Burnside Rotary speech finals and won the Year 8 section!

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Triple P - promoting positive parenting in our communities

by Mark Russell

Triple P runs regular communications campaigns on their websites and through social media.

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Miss McKenzie is back!

by Mackenzie Goble

On the 18th of October we interviewed Miss McKenzie, the Room 5 teacher.

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How We Can Be a Better Environmentally Friendly School

by Zoe Pocklington & Eelia Hudson

On the 17th of October we interviewed Madi and Mikaylah from Room 15.

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Super Summer Hagley

by Cole Piercy & Max Newble

We all know the Hagley Summer Sports because it is a big thing at Casebrook, but how much do you actually know?

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The Great Casebrook Toilet Challenge

by Max Newble & Cole Piercy

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Tōtaranui Kāhui Ako Cultural Festival

by Trina Wilkinson

This is happening Wednesday 9th November here at Casebrook Intermediate School

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Transitioning from Holidays Back to School

by Phoebe Aitchison & Sophia Bayliss

The holidays have ended and school has started! We did a statistical investigation with the students in Room 2 and this is the results.

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Dunedin Trip Coming Up

by Jordan Mayes & Zoe Graham

On October 31st to November 4th some of the Casebrook students are going on the 1st trip to Dunedin.

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Aim For Gold!

by Jenna King & Mila Martin-Susteric

Welcome back to Term 4! It's a new term which means new Casebrook Challenges. How exciting!

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Science and Maths Badges for Term 4!

by Phoebe Aitchison & Sophia Bayliss

Science and Math badges are perfect when you don’t feel like completing 16 Casebrook Challenges.

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Getting Involved in Term 4

by Jenna King & Mila Martin-Susteric

It's not too late to get involved in Term 4!

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Tūhono Kapa Haka Competition 2022

by Courteney Yardley

Te Kura Mareko Kapa Haka group will be competing at the Tūhono Kapa Haka competition.

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Community Notices

by Christine Gillard

Please make sure you check out the attachments!

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Canteen news

by Casebrook Unican

Did you know the canteen makes salads everyday and students can choose their ingredients. They can come to the canteen at morning tea time and fill out an orange card and their salad is ready by lunchtime. Quick, easy, very nutritious and only $4.50 each.

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