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Casebrook Intermediate School Te Kura Mareko

Casebrook Intermediate School News - 31st October 2019

Dates for your diary!

5 November

6 November

12 November

13 November

14 November

15 November

19 November

20 November

24 November

25 November

26 November

27 November

28 November

29 November

2 December

3 December

10 December

11 December

12 December

13 December

16 December

17 December

18 December


Tēnā Koutou Kātoa - Students from Casebrook experience an amazing few days at Aoraki/Mt Cook.

by Bev Bell

A group of 35 students visited Aoraki/Mt Cook for four days from the 15th - 18th October.

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School Caps!

by Christine Gillard

Reminder: students are to wear hats outside the classroom during interval, lunch and sport time for Term 4.

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Whānau Hui / Fono

by Christine Gillard

On Tuesday 5th of November we are hosting a Whānau hui and fono evening. The purpose of this hui is to celebrate the success of our Kapa Haka, Pasifika, Te Reo Māori and Te Whānau Horamātauranga groups.

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Free Course - Gardening for Beginners

by Christine Gillard

Learn to plant a container garden, plant and grow seedlings (flower and vege).

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Casebrook Intermediate travelling group to South Korea and Singapore

by Christine Gillard

On the 25th September, I was lucky enough to be an included as a member of the Casebrook Intermediate travelling group to South Korea and Singapore, for just under two weeks.

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Donate your child's school uniform

by Casebrook Unican

If your child has outgrown their uniform or if they are moving on to High School and it is no longer needed we welcome donations of second hand uniforms. We have a number of students in need of uniforms, especially boys uniforms. If you have anything you would like to donate please drop these into the school office.

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PTA Christmas raffle

by Casebrook Unican

During November/December the Casebrook PTA will be running a Christmas raffle. Students will bring home a sheet of ten $2.00 raffle tickets to sell. We would love if you could please support us in this final fundraiser for the year but if you do not wish your child to participate please contact the school office by Friday 8th November. There will be twenty awesome gift baskets up for grabs.

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Water Polo A Team 2019

South Island Water Polo Champs 2019

by Angus, Vinny & Luke

This event was held in Dunedin over Labour Weekend and our two Casebrook Water Polo teams went to compete against schools from all across the South Island.

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Athletics Day 2019

by Conner, Josh S & Kaira

On the 30th of October Casebrook held their school Athletics Day.

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Mt Cook Camp

by Elizabeth Kennedy

In Week 1, 35 Casebrook students were lucky enough to travel down to Mt Cook for a four-day camp.

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Ava Rattray

Athlete Spotlight - Ava Rattray

by Olivia P, Olivia T & Dakota

Ava Rattray is a Year 7 from Room 1 who represents Casebrook in athletic events such as cross country, athletics and swimming sports.

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Josh Rae

Athlete Spotlight - Josh Rae

by Olivia P, Olivia T & Dakota

Josh Rae is a Year 8 from Room 15 who represents Casebrook in para-athlete events such as cross country and athletics.

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Girls BBall

CAIMS Invitational Tournament

by Skyla-Paige, Emily & Baylee

The CAIMS tournament was held on the 21st & 22nd of October. Our two basketball teams went to play at Pioneer Stadium in Christchurch.

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Summer Hagley - Futsal

by Cory, Sheldon & James

From Week 1 to Week 9 students in Hagley Futsal will be competing with other schools from around Christchurch at Hagley park.

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Mt Cook 2019

Mt Cook Camp 2019

by Mae, Jess & Alex

On the 15th of October, 36 students, two teachers and seven adults departed for their camp at Mt. Cook. They left school at 8:15 am in vans and they were on an adventure to see the biggest mountain in New Zealand.

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Community Notices

by Christine Gillard

Please see below and read attachments re: community news

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Chess Nationals

Chess National Qualifiers

by Brayden & Shalani

On the nineteenth of October Miss Kennedy and five students went to a national chess tournament which was held at Villa Maria College in Christchurch.

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Girls Cricket

Hagley Boys and Girls Cricket

by Lucy, Molly & Zoe H

Every Tuesday Casebrook sends their boys and girls cricket teams down to Hagley park on a bus to play against different intermediate schools from around Christchurch.

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Ultimate Frisbee - Summer Hagley

by Ashton, Lily and Zoe S

Ultimate Frisbee is the newest Hagley sport on offer at Casebrook.

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Summer Hagley Touch Begins!

by Conner O & Jason

The first round of Summer Hagley Touch began in Week 1.

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Tōtaranui Kāhui Ako Cultural Festival 2019

by Stephen Harrison

Join us and celebrate our Kāhui Ako with kapa haka, cultural performances, kai, games.

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Tōtaranui Cultural Festival 2019

by Taniora Leys

All schools in our kāhui ako are set to celebrate on the 28th of November.

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Staff Only Day

by Stephen Harrison

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