Juliana Rae — Jul 25, 2022

Thank you to the community for my warm welcome to Te Kura o Huriawa Thorrington. A mihi whakatau on Monday was a wonderful way to come into the school and I was welcomed with an enthusiastic haka. Visiting each classroom has been a treat. Students have told me that they are proud of the caring community at Thorrington and of their cultural journey. I have noticed a sense of calm across the school and high engagement in learning. I look forward to spending more time talking to children about their learning over the coming weeks.

My plan, to help me understand the school, its culture, systems and programmes involves engaging with the community for feedback. I have begun this week by meeting with each member of staff and over the next few weeks, I will meet with groups of students. Parents and whānau will be invited to respond to an online survey in week 4 and the details of this will be forthcoming via Hero.


Thank you for your support of our mask-wearing requirement. The health of our staff and students is very important to us and masks are helping to keep winter illnesses at bay. The need to wear masks will be reviewed in week 4 and we will keep you informed of further decisions. 

Looking ahead...