Hero photograph
KiVa Processes
Photo by Chris Robinson


Papakōwhai School —

KiVa is an anti-bullying programme from Finland. KiVa is Finnish for “kind” or “nice”. The definition of bullying that is used as part of the KiVa programme is — Bullying is behaviour that is deliberate, repeated and there is a power imbalance.

The KiVa programme is made up of two parts:

  1. Classroom lessons – each class will complete lessons based on which syndicate they are in.
  2. Reporting of bullying – Students report bullying to the KiVa team (Lesley Hodge, Karen Siwalette & Caine Webster) in the KiVa room at lunchtimes.

KiVa lesson overview

Unit 1 is designed specifically for younger students – Rata, Matai and Rimu. Unit 2 is designed specifically for the older students – Totara and Kauri.

Rimu and Totara syndicates have been identified as areas of the school that would benefit most from completing all 10 lessons each year. Students in Rata, Matai and Kauri only complete 5 of the 10 lessons. As children move through the syndicates, they will cover all 10 lessons from both unit 1 and 2 at least once.

  1. Students report bullying to a teacher or visit the KiVa room (Office beside Library)
  2. When students report bullying, either the teacher or KiVa teacher completes a screening form – this provides the KiVa team with information regarding the bullying.
  3. The screening form enables the KiVa team to decide if what has been reported is bullying or a conflict.
  4. Classroom teachers are informed of conflicts and they work through these issues with the students involved.
    Parents are contacted if necessary.
  5. If an incident is deemed as bullying, a teacher from the KiVa team will complete form. This involves:
    • Having a discussion with the student who is being bullied and identifying a buddy that can help them
    • Contacting this student’s parents
    • Informing the classroom teacher of what is happening and who the student's buddy is
  6. Two KiVa team teachers complete form 3, this involves:
    • Meeting with the student who has been reported as the bully and discussing their behaviour. They are not labeled as a bully at this meeting.
    • Prompt this student to identify what they can do to change their behaviour
    • Contacting this student’s parents
  7. After one week a KiVa team teacher will meet with both students (separately) to ensure that the behaviour has changed.