Hero photograph
Photo by Alison Flint

Only 2 tickets left for tomorrow night! Raffle tickets still available

Alison Flint —

The Papakōwhai Thunder Netball team movie fundraiser (BOOKCLUB: the next chapter) is happening tomorrow night. Arrival from 8pm at Lighthouse Cinema, Pauatahanui

Price: $25 per ticket - only 2 left!

Contact Rachel rachel.un06@gmail.com to book your tickets and

 pay online to account number 12-3430-0086901-00

Ref: Your Name Particulars: Movie 

There is a lovely Mother’s Day raffle to be won on the night. Please bring along cash for tickets.

$2 per ticket or 3 tickets for $5.

Or contact Rachel on Rachel.un06@gmail.com if you are unable to attend the screening but would like to purchase raffle tickets and support this fundraiser.