Hero photograph
WMS Office
Photo by WMS Office

School Office News

Admin —

For information regarding the New School App - Hero-Linc Ed, School Payments & Uniforms, keep reading below!!

New Student Management System (Hero LincEd)

Last week you would've all received an email inviting you to sign up for the new Hero App.  This is replacing the @school app and is our means of communicating with our families, reporting absences, viewing the school calendar and it also has links to our Facebook Page, Website, and your account information on Kindo.  Information about accessing Hero is here: Hero Linc-Ed App.

If you have any issues downloading the app or can't see your children's profiles on it, then please contact the office so we can help rectify the issue.

School Payments/Contributions

Invoices for School Donations will soon be viewable on Kindo.  For the families that had credits on their school accounts at the end of 2020, these are now in the process of being transferred to your Kindo account.  Moving forward, if for e.g. you have paid for a sporting trip and this gets cancelled, the credit will now be applied on your kindo account.  This will mean that you have control over how you want this credit applied in the future - whether to pay for school lunch orders, donations or activity fees.

For those families that have paid this years donation already, you will initially see the invoice for Donations on your account.  This will still appear until we have manually applied your payment against it - so please bare with us while we work through these.

For any payments on your child/ren's account, please pay via the kindo shop or via online banking (stating in reference item covered).

Uniform Shop

It is great to see so many of the students in the correct school uniform. Just a reminder that students need to wear the correct 

  • socks - blue, white or black - with no motif/logo on them

  • shorts - blue with no motif/logo on them

  • headband - plain and small

  • no non-uniform clothing, including ‘skins’, under uniform

New uniforms can be purchased through the Mainland Uniform website West Melton School or at their store on Wairekei Road.

Kids School Banking

Due to the reduction in cash payments, ASB are no longer collecting our banking.  We still have the banking box at school for this term, however we do encourage you to wither take this to the bank yourselves, or to starting using ASB's Clever Kash banking system.  This means no more trips to the bank, and in this ever increasing cashless society, children can see their savings appear through their Clever Kash money box.  For more information see the link: Clever Kash