Hero photograph
Daffodil Day 22 Student Exec
Photo by WMS

Tumuaki Pānui

Tracey Riley —

Kia ora koutou e ngā matua, e ngā whānau, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Konichiwa!

I hope this newsletter finds you all well. Today is the first day of Spring. Love it!

Term 3 is continuing to be a great success with a lot for us to celebrate. The Winter Sports Programme wrapped up for our Year 5 - 8’s; five teams competed in rugby and netball at the Selwyn Central Zone Tournament and we had competitors participating in the Porters Ski Derby. Congratulations to the basketball teams that finished the Selwyn Hawks Primary Schools competition last Monday. The next couple of weeks brings further opportunities. We have the Netball Festival with ten teams entered, ‘Bowls in Schools’ visiting, Year 7 and 8 Lincoln Rotary Quiz and the Canterbury Winter Tournament. We even have a Year 7 and 8 water-polo team competing on Friday nights. A big thanks to the staff for their organisation, and coaches and parents who give up their time to support the teams. We always have such a positive amount of parental support with anything that we do and we are continually grateful for this.

Board Elections

Board elections and voting are underway. The last day to vote is Wednesday 7 September at 12pm. Results will be on our school portal for candidates and school at 12 noon on Tuesday 13 September and then emailed. The new Board takes office on Wednesday 14 September. Please contact the office if you have any questions or have yet to receive any information.

Road Safety

Thank you to the majority who are travelling 30 km or less past our school. It helps keep our ākonga safe when travelling to and from school, especially with so much going on. We meet monthly with Fulton Hogan and Waka Kotahi to ensure that there are the best safety measures in place.

Daffodil Day

The Student Exec had fantastic support with lots of children wearing yellow and purchasing Lachie’s Laces. We raised $470 from our gold coin donation… and other totals are still being calculated. Thank you for your support and well done Student Exec for a successful day. 

Have a fantastic couple of weeks.

Ngā mihi nui
