Hero photograph
Dance Competition
Photo by WMI

Video Dance Competition!!

Susan Jackson —

The Student Exec has been working on a new event, a video dance competition!

This is an opportunity for students to video themselves and some friends doing a fun dance they all know, or routine they made up. Videos can only have up to 10 people in a group - and yes you can do a solo :) Obviously all songs and dances have to be clean and school appropriate. A person can only be part of 2 videos max.

We understand that not all kids wanting to take part (especially the younger ones) will know any routines or be able to learn any easily… So with the help of the Student Exec and some Intermediates we will be running some classes early next term at lunchtimes to teach a small routine. This will be for anyone who feels they need a little guidance.

All videos need to be emailed to your pod teacher by Monday 3rd of August.

All the best for the holidays. Get practising with your friends!

Amira Birse

Chairperson of Student Exec