Hero photograph
Lexie, Mandy, Claire
Photo by Susan Jackson

Haere mai

WMS Staff —

West Melton welcomes....

Lexie Bryant

Hi my name is Lexie Bryant.I’m new to the roll of Teaching Assistant and I really enjoy it.I am originally from Bulgaria. I have lived in London, UK for 9 years, before moving to West Melton in 2017 with my husband and two boys. We love to travel, both to see family and explore new places, cultures and foods.I now look forward to experiencing more of New Zealand.My favourite subjects at school were maths and languages and I enjoy running.I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter.

Mandy Ford

Tena Koutou

My name is Mandy Ford and I'm a Teacher at WMS. I work with the cool students in WMI, the lovely students in Kōwhai and Matai and love teaching Music on Fab Five days. I also teach choir, at lunch time theatre group and recorder class.
My home is in Kaikoura where I live with my husband Graeme. During my working days, I stay in Christchurch. I have a son, Alex and a daughter, Samantha. I train, perform and compete nationally and internationally with the Christchurch City Chorus, having been a member for 20 years. Last year we competed at the International Sweet Adelines Convention and won matching jewellery (7th place medals) with my 100+ Chorus members, in New Orleans. Since the age of 16 years, I have taught dancing - competition, exam, audition preparation and concert work. I have always enjoyed teaching and watching the growth in my students, whether they are preschoolers, primary aged, tweens, teenagers or adults. During my weekends, I spend quite a bit of time walking around the Kaikoura peninsula, through the wild dill herb garden, along the rustic beachfront, to the seal colony and explore other walks and areas of Kaikoura, capturing it's beauty on my camera as I go. During relaxation time, I love to read - mostly forensic crimes or dramas and make crafty stuff.
I look forward to seeing you around school.

Claire Fahey

Hi. My names is Claire and I am a new LA at West Melton. I live in Lincoln with my husband, 3 children and a very busy springer spaniel pup called Jess. I have a background in Early Childhood, but after working and living overseas for many years I decide to turn my passion for photography into a business and have been working for myself for the last 4-5 years. And now I balance both school and photography.