Hero photograph
WMS Triathlon Champs 2023
Photo by WMS

Tumuaki Pānui

Tracey Riley —

Kia ora whānau

Term 1 is rocketing by and ākonga are now well settled into their classroom routines with most programmes in full swing. I have loved seeing our “Innovation” theme in action as children prepare for the wearable arts competition. Thank you to all that have helped make this happen. We have some very clever children and whānau.

There are many times when I am bursting with pride at actions, thoughts, events or moments - even more so these last two weeks...

  • Last weekend I was waiting for an ice cream and was chatting to the vendor. We got on to WMS and he pointed out that he’d had quite a few West Melton kids through that day and noted how polite and well mannered they all were. Go WMS parents, whānau and teachers!

  • Last Friday we had a ‘casual clothes’ day to support our fete and the communities impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle. We collected $800 that has been gifted to Eskdale School in Hawkes Bay. Eskdale School are operating out of the local Sports Centre and were very much appreciative of the gift. We will keep in touch with them as I know the Student Exec are keen to help further.

  • Many of our students decide to fundraise or participate in an event to help a cause. Have a look at our school Facebook page to read how Adyson is making a difference to the lives of people and animals. What an amazing student!

  • Last night I was part of the selection committee for the West Melton Scholarship. As per other years we had a high standard of applicants that always makes the job hard. It is great to read about where our ex-student's learning journey has taken them and the varied careers that this journey is leading them to.

  • Congratulations to all the participants in the duathlon, triathlon and swimming sports. It was awesome to see them demonstrating their DRIVER values and putting in 100% effort. Good luck to the competitors that are heading to Zone or Canterbury events in the next week.

The hot days have certainly ensured that the swimming pool has been well utilised. We have been fortunate to have a slightly longer season although all good things must come to an end. The pool will close on Friday 24 March. Details on the return of the keys will follow shortly.

We are looking closely at different aspects of our communication. Keep an eye out as there is a survey coming soon on “HERO and it's functionality”. One area of note is the number of phone calls we receive asking for office staff to pass on messages. This can be quite challenging at times, particularly after 1.30pm. Please can you ensure urgent messages that need to be passed on, are communicated with the school office before 1.30pm.

Last night was the AGM of (Friends of West Melton School). Thank you to Mike Rose and Cynthia Endicott-Davies for the time and effort they have given to supporting our school. Congratulations to Janelle McIntosh (Chairperson), Pip Gould (Vice Chair), Abbey Coalgate (Secretary). Special thanks to Sarah McPhee for staying on as Treasurer until after the fete. If you have a slight interest in money and would like to help out, do we have a role for you! 

Have a fantastic rest of the week.

Ngā mihi nui
